Why foster well-being?

Prioritizing well-being has many benefits for organizations, including increased engagement, higher productivity, and enhanced creativity. Read on to learn more about the benefits of well-being, and follow the links to read the research.


Well-being boosts Innovation

Higher well-being enables individuals to think more creatively and to solve problems more effectively. This has been known since the late 1980s, and has been reaffirmed in the 2000s.


Well-being boosts collaboration

Happier people work more collaboratively. They prefer collaboration over avoidance for resolving conflict, and are more likely to help others.


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Well-being reduces turnover & ABsenteeism

Employees who are well are less likely to seek work elsewhere. They exhibit less absenteeism, are less subject to burnout, and engage in less counterproductive behavior.

Well-being reduces medical expenses

A dollar spent on wellness programs returns more than $2.70 in savings on health care expenses, as found by two different studies published in 2010 (Harvard Business Review, Health Affairs).


What exactly is well-being?


Well-being is multi-dimensional. Correspondingly, a variety of angles can be taken to enhance it. Explore my framework for well-being by clicking the link below.